Cut, cut. - 2007-02-09

No, really... how are YOU? - 2006-10-23

And now, finally: something (ish) - 2006-07-27

What Happened to March and April, eh??? - 2006-04-25

Well hello there, February. - 2006-02-16

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< L DykeWrite3 # >

2003-11-26 - 4:45 p.m.



Before my AMAZING girlfriend/same-sex partner/lady-lover/meal-ticket & meal-preparer (different than a tax preparer) catches me in here.

I've been PEELING POTATOES (which, quite frankly, always seemed like a punishment that was handed out in old movies and TV shows... they'd show some poor fella/fellow peeling potatoes sitting on an upside-down milk crate)... and I'm a-peelin a-lotta potatoes. Potatoes for twenty.

That's right, you heard me.

The whole FAMILY of MINE. Both parents... all siblings but one, and 7 little neices and nephews. That's FAMILY, party of TWENTY.

I, of course, have been "dry-running" and pre-pre-pre planning for a few days. Purchasing many small activity items to keep the SEVEN LITTLE NEICES and NEPHEWS occupied and entertained (plus a bonus screening of FINDING NEMO after dinner, then we'll write LETTERS TO SANTA).

The ADULTS.. they're on their own.

I'm hoping for the best... and planning for a close-second to the best. We'll see what happens.

Sending ALL OF YOU... AMAZING community of readers and supportive humans... a wonderful holiday... with your friends and families.

Me... I'm just plain thankful.... and all of y'all are included in that.... so, yeah. There.

xoxoxo organic turkey (who knew?)