Cut, cut. - 2007-02-09

No, really... how are YOU? - 2006-10-23

And now, finally: something (ish) - 2006-07-27

What Happened to March and April, eh??? - 2006-04-25

Well hello there, February. - 2006-02-16

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< L DykeWrite3 # >

2003-12-09 - 4:55 p.m.


People. All of you, people.

Ladies and Gentlemen.

I apologize for my lack of update lately, and just wanted to drop a quick note of ALL IS WELL and let you know-- no, PROMISE you that I will write a REAL, swingin/rockin update in the next few days.

We're all okay... the all of us that is us, and I promise to share stories and ramble on and spill more than I planned and then some.

Hope all is well with ALL OF YOU... and that we'll get back into our groove easily and with limited naseau and vomiting.

xoxoxoxo to you.

Missing y'all muchly.