Cut, cut. - 2007-02-09

No, really... how are YOU? - 2006-10-23

And now, finally: something (ish) - 2006-07-27

What Happened to March and April, eh??? - 2006-04-25

Well hello there, February. - 2006-02-16

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< L DykeWrite3 # >

2004-01-19 - 12:13 p.m.

------------------------------------------------ Hey y'all.... just a quick check in to put closure on the 'contest" (which, by the way... you all ROCK on your replies and... oy, THE EMAILS... wow! Some very interesting comments and I'm shouting right back out to all of you for your thoughts and insights...

First: Some of the people that made suggestions (that are printable(ish)-- hmmmmmm.... so many trashy-lite (in a good way) nicknames/ideas.... that I could never use in here (sorry), but NOW... at least I know they exist (and good for all of you lady-porn viewers out there... who knew?)

Okay... a FEW of your suggestions were:

Axis of Love, Mistress of Lakeridge, SexxSlave, LoverGirl, My Goddess, LoverLady, Soulmate, My Angel, TheOne, My Number One, Naked Dancer of My Heart, R2D2, Lovee, Ginger or Marianne, Trixie, MyOnlyOne (perhaps a Melissa Reference?)Tits, Kitten, Pussy-pal�.. okay, you get the idea. Also the clever person who did the XXX- rated/PORN version of my current rambling name for her� 4 stars to you!

BUT... but.... but..... OVERWHELMINGLY... manymanymany of you said you LIKE (even REALLY LIKE) the current RAMBLING, OVERSTATED name I use.... so... eventhough so many of you went to all the trouble to rack your brains, watch porn and go through "popular baby names" books.... I think... no, I'm sure....that we will....continue to call her:

I sooooooooooo appreciate all your participation and will be supplying you with a VERYLONG update tomorrow that will include ALL (or most, the printable stuff) of our wacky adventures from the weekend that was� the weekend.

And to all of you--- welcome to your week.

AndAnd� if you get a chance� take a minute and send a shout out into the universe to Martin Luther King Jr� for his courage and his vision.

Xoxo me