Cut, cut. - 2007-02-09

No, really... how are YOU? - 2006-10-23

And now, finally: something (ish) - 2006-07-27

What Happened to March and April, eh??? - 2006-04-25

Well hello there, February. - 2006-02-16

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< L DykeWrite3 # >

2004-02-20 - 5:19 p.m.

Hey Y'all....

Just a quick HOWDY...yeehaw....and an overall wish to you and yours for a wonderful weekend... AND.... a HAPPY ANNIVERSARY on Saturday to My Amazing Girlfriend/Same-Sex Partner/Lady-Lover/Meal-Ticket/Boss-o-me-right-now/Collaborator/Mate of 1 DOZEN YEARS and Me.....

and this, to you: